Interface SRDocument

All Superinterfaces:
ContainerContent, Content, KeyObject

public interface SRDocument
extends KeyObject

The SRDocument interface represents the entire DICOM SR document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data.

Since Content Items cannot exist outside the context of a SRDocument, the SRDocument interface also contains the factory methods needed to create the different types of Content objects. The Content objects created have a ownerDocument attribute which associates them with the SRDocument within whose context they were created.

Additionally to the content tree, a SRDocument contents Patient, Study, Series, Equipment, SR Document General and SOP Common related data.

Factory method: SRDocumentFactory.newSRDocument(org.dcm4che.srom.Patient, org.dcm4che.srom.Study, org.dcm4che.srom.Series, org.dcm4che.srom.Equipment, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, java.util.Date, org.dcm4che.srom.Template, org.dcm4che.srom.Code, boolean).

See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newSRDocument(org.dcm4che.srom.Patient, org.dcm4che.srom.Study, org.dcm4che.srom.Series, org.dcm4che.srom.Equipment, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, java.util.Date, org.dcm4che.srom.Template, org.dcm4che.srom.Code, boolean), "DICOM Part 3: Information Object Definitions, Annex A.35 Structured Report Document Information Object Definitions"

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.dcm4che.srom.Content
Content.RelationType, Content.ValueType
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.dcm4che.srom.Content
Method Summary
 boolean addOtherEvidence(SOPInstanceRef ref)
          Adds a new SOPInstanceRef object, refering a Pertinent Other Evidence of this document.
 boolean addPredecessorDocument(SOPInstanceRef ref)
          Adds a new SOPInstanceRef object, specifing a Predecessor Document of this document.
 boolean addProcedureCode(Code code)
          Adds a new Code object, identifing a Performed Procedure pertaining to this document.
 boolean addVerification(Verification ver)
          Adds a new Verification object, specifing a Verifying Observer of this document.
 SOPInstanceRef findOtherEvidence(RefSOP refSOP)
          Returns SOPInstanceRef objects, refering the specified Pertinent Other Evidence.
 java.lang.String getCompletionFlagDescription()
          Returns Completion Flag Description.
 SOPInstanceRef[] getOtherEvidence()
          Returns array of SOPInstanceRef objects, refering all Pertinent Other Evidences of this document.
 SOPInstanceRef[] getPredecessorDocuments()
          Returns array of SOPInstanceRef objects, specifing all Predecessor Documents of this document.
 Code[] getProcedureCodes()
          Returns array of Code objects, identifing all Performed Procedures pertaining to this document.
 Verification[] getVerifications()
          Returns array of Verification objects, specifing all Verifying Observer of this document.
 boolean isComplete()
          Returns whether the content of this document is complete or partial.
 boolean isVerified()
          Returns whether this document is verified.
 boolean removeOtherEvidence(RefSOP ref)
          Removes the specified SOPInstanceRef object, from the list of Pertinent Other Evidences of this document.
 boolean removePredecessorDocument(RefSOP ref)
          Removes the specified SOPInstanceRef object, from the list of references of Predecessor Document of this document.
 boolean removeProcedureCode(Code code)
          Removes the specified Code object, from the list of PPerformed Procedure pertaining to this document.
 boolean removeVerification(Verification ver)
          Removes the specified Verification object, from the list of Verifying Observers of this document.
 void setComplete(boolean complete)
          Sets whether this document is complete.
 void setCompletionFlagDescription(java.lang.String desc)
          Sets Completion Flag Description.
 void setOtherEvidence(SOPInstanceRef[] refs)
          Sets array of SOPInstanceRef objects, refering all Pertinent Other Evidences of this document.
 void setPredecessorDocuments(SOPInstanceRef[] refs)
          Sets array of SOPInstanceRef objects, refering all Predecessor Documents of this document.
 void setProcedureCodes(Code[] codes)
          Sets array of Code objects, identifing all Performed Procedures pertaining to this document.
 void setVerifications(Verification[] vers)
          Sets array of Verification objects, specifing all Verifying Observer of this document.
 void setVerified(boolean verified)
          Sets whether this document is verified.
Methods inherited from interface org.dcm4che.srom.KeyObject
addCurrentEvidence, addIdenticalDocument, addRequest, createBeginTCoordContent, createCircleSCoordContent, createCodeContent, createCompositeContent, createContainerContent, createDateContent, createDateTimeContent, createEllipseSCoordContent, createEndTCoordContent, createImageContent, createMultiPointSCoordContent, createMultiPointTCoordContent, createMultiSegmentTCoordContent, createNumContent, createNumContent, createPNameContent, createPointSCoordContent, createPointTCoordContent, createPolylineSCoordContent, createReferencedContent, createReferencedContent, createSegmentTCoordContent, createTextContent, createTimeContent, createUIDRefContent, createWaveformContent, findCurrentEvidence, getContent, getContentDateTime, getCurrentEvidence, getEquipment, getIdenticalDocuments, getInstanceCreationDateTime, getInstanceCreatorUID, getInstanceNumber, getPatient, getRequests, getSeries, getSOPClassUID, getSOPInstanceUID, getSpecificCharacterSet, getStudy, importContent, removeCurrentEvidence, removeIdenticalDocument, removeRequest, setContentDateTime, setCurrentEvidence, setEquipment, setIdenticalDocuments, setInstanceCreationDateTime, setInstanceCreatorUID, setInstanceNumber, setPatient, setRequests, setSeries, setSOPInstanceUID, setSpecificCharacterSet, setStudy, toDataset
Methods inherited from interface org.dcm4che.srom.ContainerContent
insertCompositeContent, insertImageContent, insertWaveformContent, isSeparate, setSeparate
Methods inherited from interface org.dcm4che.srom.Content
appendChild, clone, getFirstChild, getFirstChildBy, getID, getLastChild, getName, getNextSibling, getNextSiblingBy, getObservationDateTime, getOwnerDocument, getParent, getPreviousSibling, getRelationType, getTemplate, getValueType, hasChildren, insertBefore, removeChild, replaceChild, setName, toDataset

Method Detail


boolean isComplete()
Returns whether the content of this document is complete or partial.

true if the content is complete, false otherwise.


void setComplete(boolean complete)
Sets whether this document is complete.

complete - a boolean indicating whether the content of this document is complete.


java.lang.String getCompletionFlagDescription()
Returns Completion Flag Description.

Completion Flag Description.


void setCompletionFlagDescription(java.lang.String desc)
Sets Completion Flag Description.

desc - new Completion Flag Description.


boolean isVerified()
Returns whether this document is verified.

true if this document is verified, false otherwise.


void setVerified(boolean verified)
Sets whether this document is verified.

verified - a boolean indicating whether this document is verified.


Verification[] getVerifications()
Returns array of Verification objects, specifing all Verifying Observer of this document.

list of Verification objects.


void setVerifications(Verification[] vers)
Sets array of Verification objects, specifing all Verifying Observer of this document.

vers - new array of Verification objects.
See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newVerification(java.util.Date, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.dcm4che.srom.Code)


boolean addVerification(Verification ver)
Adds a new Verification object, specifing a Verifying Observer of this document. Ignores the new Verification object, if the document already contains an equal Verification object.

ver - specifies one Verifying Observer.
true if ver was added to this document, false if the document already contains ver.


boolean removeVerification(Verification ver)
Removes the specified Verification object, from the list of Verifying Observers of this document.

true if the Verifying Observer list of this document contained ver; false otherwise.


SOPInstanceRef[] getPredecessorDocuments()
Returns array of SOPInstanceRef objects, specifing all Predecessor Documents of this document.

references to Predecessor Documents.


void setPredecessorDocuments(SOPInstanceRef[] refs)
Sets array of SOPInstanceRef objects, refering all Predecessor Documents of this document.

refs - new Predecessor Documents references.


boolean addPredecessorDocument(SOPInstanceRef ref)
Adds a new SOPInstanceRef object, specifing a Predecessor Document of this document. Ignores the new SOPInstanceRef object, if the document already refers an equal Predecessor Document.

ref - reference to Predecessor Document.
true if ref was added, false if the document already contains the reference.
See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newSOPInstanceRef(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


boolean removePredecessorDocument(RefSOP ref)
Removes the specified SOPInstanceRef object, from the list of references of Predecessor Document of this document.

true if the document contained the reference, false otherwise.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if ref is null.
See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newSOPInstanceRef(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


Code[] getProcedureCodes()
Returns array of Code objects, identifing all Performed Procedures pertaining to this document.

Performed Procedures codes.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if request is null.


void setProcedureCodes(Code[] codes)
Sets array of Code objects, identifing all Performed Procedures pertaining to this document.

codes - new Performed Procedures codes.
See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newCode(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


boolean addProcedureCode(Code code)
Adds a new Code object, identifing a Performed Procedure pertaining to this document. Ignores the new Code object, if the document already refers the Performed Procedure.

code - identifies one Performed Procedure.
true if code was added, false if the document already contained code.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if code is null.
See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newCode(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


boolean removeProcedureCode(Code code)
Removes the specified Code object, from the list of PPerformed Procedure pertaining to this document.

true if the Performed Procedure list of this document contained code; false otherwise.


SOPInstanceRef[] getOtherEvidence()
Returns array of SOPInstanceRef objects, refering all Pertinent Other Evidences of this document.

references to Pertinent Other Evidences.


SOPInstanceRef findOtherEvidence(RefSOP refSOP)
Returns SOPInstanceRef objects, refering the specified Pertinent Other Evidence.

reference to Pertinent Other Evidences, null if no reference to refSOP was found.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if ref is null.


void setOtherEvidence(SOPInstanceRef[] refs)
Sets array of SOPInstanceRef objects, refering all Pertinent Other Evidences of this document.

refs - new Pertinent Other Evidence references.
See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newSOPInstanceRef(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


boolean addOtherEvidence(SOPInstanceRef ref)
Adds a new SOPInstanceRef object, refering a Pertinent Other Evidence of this document. Ignores the new SOPInstanceRef object, if the document already refers an equal Pertinent Other Evidence.

ref - reference to Pertinent Other Evidence.
true if ref was added, false if the document already contained the reference.
See Also:
SRDocumentFactory.newSOPInstanceRef(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


boolean removeOtherEvidence(RefSOP ref)
Removes the specified SOPInstanceRef object, from the list of Pertinent Other Evidences of this document.

true if the document contained the reference, false otherwise.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if ref is null.